Cabal Episode 13 Server Files
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Six weeks since the events of "Revelations, Part 2", Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and John Druitt (Christopher Heyerdahl) travel to Egypt in the search for Ashley (Emilie Ullerup), but learn that the daughter they knew is dead. However, in Montreal, Ashley teleports into an Interpol office, steals a server containing classified files, and teleports away. Meanwhile, Tesla (Jonathon Young) is able to create a cure to the Lazarus virus, though Bigfoot (Heyerdahl) refuses to take it due to the fact it was developed by Humans. Even Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins) fails to persuade him. The team find out about the break-in in Montreal, and discover that the files Ashley stole concern "Operation Montana", a British government operation to experiment on six orphans 25 years previously, to turn them into "perfect" humans, until Magnus shuts it down after she deems it a rebound of the Nazi eugenics programme. However, four of them have already been kidnapped by the Cabal. Meanwhile, The Cabal subject Ashley to tests by using the Vampire blood from Bhalasaam, where they attempt to convert her to a "Super-Abnormal".[1]
JoinCabal. Dougal Stanton announced an alternative to mkcabal, for initialising new cabal projects: JoinCabal, available via darcs. JoinCabal will create stub sources files with a license header, and appropriate license for you code, making it easier to set up a valid cabal build system.
ftphs. John Goerzen announced ftphs, an FTP client and server library for Haskell. Its features include: easy to use operation; full support of text and binary transfers; optional lazy interaction; server can serve up a real or a virtual filesystem tree; Standards compliant. ftphs was previously a part of the MissingH library. The code in this release is unchanged from its state in MissingH, other than the changes necessary to make it a standalone package.
cpphs. In a busy week, Malcolm also released version 1.2 of cpphs, the in-Haskell implementation of the C pre-processor. The major change in this release is that the source files have been re-arranged into a cabal-ised hierarchical library namespace, so you can use cpp functionality from within your own code, in addition to the stand-alone utility.
DownNova-0.1. Lemmih released downNova, a program designed for automating the process of downloading TV series from Written in Haskell, it will scan your downloaded files to find out what your interests are and download missing/new episodes to your collection. Advanced classification techniques are used to interpret the file names and 'downNova' will correctly extract series name, season number, episode number and episode title in nigh all cases. 2b1af7f3a8