Facebook Bug Posts Private Messages On Your Wall
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.css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}A small number of users raised concerns after what they mistakenly believed to be private messages appeared on their Timeline. Our engineers investigated these reports and found that the messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users' profile pages. Facebook is satisfied that there has been no breach of user privacy.
Dear Facebookers - Your private inbox messages are now visible for all to see, from 2009 and later. This could get VERY awkward, very quickly... this is a new change from Facebook as of yesterday. Don't believe me? Read your timeline from those years... yikes! They look like wall posts..... they are not!
Origins: The September 2012 warning reproduced above, about a recent change to Facebook supposedly making users' private inbox messages visible to everyone, proved to be a false alarm. According to a 25 September 2012 article from Mashable (via CNN):
Rumors of a Facebook bug has users from all over the world worried about private messages showing up very publicly on Timeline pages. But the social network is debunking those claims, saying these messages are actually just older wall posts.
Some members in the U.S. have said their private messages from 2007 and 2008 are showing up on their Timeline, but Facebook said that the company hasn't found a bug and believes the discrepancy comes from a wider roll out of the newer Timeline layout on a global scale.
Facebook says that if you can comment or Like that activity, then it is a wall post and not a private message. In the past, users weren't able to comment and Like posts, so Facebook believes members new to Timeline are confusing old posts for private messages.
The wall posts are appearing on Facebook's Timeline, which shows your Facebook information on a year-by-year basis. Timeline, not beloved by everyone, started being rolled out to all of Facebook's 955 milllion users worldwide in recent weeks by the social network.
Here on the Tech team, we checked our own Facebook accounts to make sure. Indeed, older posts were showing up on our Timelines. But they were not the private emails, or direct messages, that are sent between Facebook users and are not visible to anyone else.
Of course, many of us shared our addresses, phone numbers and what now seem like very personal messages as wall posts because most of us a) didn't have more than 200 "friends" like we do now and B) we didn't know better then; Facebook was still a magical place and we were digitally naive.
A small number of users raised concerns after what they mistakenly believed to be private messages appeared on their Timeline. Our engineers investigated these reports and found that the messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users' profile pages. Facebook is satisfied that there has been no breach of user privacy.
Hey, hope you didn't write anything embarrassing in a private message before around 2009 on Facebook. These messages may now be published on your Timeline for all your Facebook friends to see. But are these actually old private messages, or old public wall posts you simply wish had been private?
A number of Facebook users report they've begun seeing their old private messages surfaced on their Timeline. I was just able to read a Facebook friend's old correspondences with an ex-girlfriend from 2006-2008 on his Facebook Timeline. He assured me these were private messages, not wall posts. If this bug is for real, it would be one of Facebook's biggest privacy scandals ever.
The problem was first reporter by french newspaper Metro, but is being reported by a number of users in the U.S. as well. But Facebook denies there's an issue. They said that what appears to be old private messages are in fact just old wall posts that have always been public. A spokesperson told TechCrunch:
"A small number of users raised concerns after what they mistakenly believed to be private messages appeared on their Timeline. Our engineers investigated these reports and found that the messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users' profile pages. Facebook is satisfied that there has been no breach of user privacy."
But it's unclear if Facebook's explanation stacks up. TechCrunch's Colleen Taylor can see a personal message from Mark Zuckerberg to Path founder Dave Morin, which suggests these are in fact private messages. We'll have to wait to see if a massive spate of divorces occur in the next few days, after husbands and wives learn of their spouse's Facebook romances from 2008.
For now, you may want to hide your Facebook Timeline posts completely, just to be safe. To do this click on Privacy Settings, then click on "Timeline and Tagging." Change the settings for the options "Who can see what others post on your timeline" and "Who can see posts you've been tagged" to "custom." Select "nobody," for who can see them.
Every report we've seen, we've gone back and checked. We haven't seen one report that's been confirmed [of a private message being exposed]. A lot of the confusion is because before 2008 there were no likes and no comments on wall posts. People went back and forth with wall posts instead of having a conversation [in the comments of single wall post.]
Thanks to a French newspaper report that was later picked up by TechCrunch, many a Facebook user is flipping out over the idea that private messages sent prior to 2010 are suddenly being published on users' Facebook Walls. "Bug or security breach?" asked France's Metro claiming that "private messages dating from 2007, 2008 and 2009, now appear directly in users' Timelines."
Facebook users flocked to the social network to check and indeed found intimate things that had been written to them displayed on their Timeline -- about city visits, and being missed, and being loved, and having to skip that lunch date.... But Facebook says there is no bug, and there is no breach. Those seemingly intimate messages were actually written on people's Walls back in 2007, 2008 and 2009. With the nostalgic fog induced by time, users just now think they were direct private communications.
I went back into my old messages and Wall postings from 2008 and 2009 -- not the most pleasant experience, actually -- to see whether any of the postings on my Wall had been sent to me privately or to see if any of my private messages to other users were showing up on their Walls. They weren't. There's my collection of Wall postings. Some of them look intimate, right? But I've confirmed that they were all written publicly on my Wall. Our public communications can in fact be quite intimate, either because we forget about the public gaze or because we want to put our intimacy with someone on display.
I've asked anyone who thinks their private messages have been made public to confirm that they appear both on their Wall and in their inbox. No one has been able to do that (yet. Or perhaps they just don't want to send me a steamy chat.) I talked to one New York-based journalist who is convinced this happened to him, despite Facebook's denial. He has deleted his inbox messages from that time, but says the messages exposed on his Timeline were of a "very private nature," including one from 2009 sent while he was in university. In it, a friend is making a disparaging comment about a classmate with whom they were working on a project. That classmate was among his Facebook friends, and would have been able to see it, so this journalist is convinced the comment would not have been made publicly.
A Facebook spokesperson tells me that there are two completely separate systems for private messages and Wall postings, and that this kind of mix-up isn't possible. He thinks the confusion may be due to people switching over to Timeline and having old Wall postings dredged up. "Wall postings before 2009 didn't have likes and comments," says security spokesperson Fred Wolens. "You're only seeing one side of these conversations, rather than a thread, so they look private."
We know that there have been reports by Snopes and TechCrunch over the last few days that the Facebook bug posting your old private messages on your wall is a hoax, but just this morning we found a few of our own very personal messages from 2010 and earlier posted for everyone to see. {updated with greater detail}
I am not sure what you are describing really means that people can see it on your timeline. You need your friends to confirm that this is the case. You can see everything. When I did what you were describing and then went to manage it they message specifically said that whatever I am seeing does not mean that my friends can see it, and that I have the ability to turn on or off these messages.
We were also way more open on facebook a few years ago- more publicly chatty and less obsessed with privacy- hence we would babble on walls and make plans and whatnot- things that would be relegated to private messages today. It was just different then.
Just to clarify: The pictures of the supposed private messages you are showing above have options to like or to comment. Therefore,they were never private posts to begin with. Also, Facebook did not introduce private messages until Nov 2010.
Fred Wolens of Facebook's Policy Communications team in the U.S. has told The Huffington Post that "no private information has been disclosed." Wolens also said that the posts appearing on users' walls are merely wall posts and not private messages or chats, as some outlets are reporting.
UPDATE 2: If you're concerned about the privacy of your Timeline posts, you can temporarily make all posts on your profile visible to friends only (or just yourself). Just follow these steps: In the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of your Facebook profile, select "Privacy Settings"; Scroll down to "Timeline and Tagging" and click "Edit settings"; from here, you can see if you've opted to make any of the posts on your Timeline "Public," and you can change the privacy settings for these types of posts so that only friends (or no one at all) can see them. 2b1af7f3a8