Green Beret Remake For Mac!
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Green Beret for Mac is a free remake of the Atari 2600 game \"Green Beret\" for the Macintosh. After the original game released in 1986, magazines reported on the success of \"Green Beret\" for the original 8-bit Atari home console, which sold about 320,000 copies. The game was published by Activision.
Alien Ship Remake is a remake of the classic Alien Ship. Much of the gameplay is unchanged, but the graphics have been improved. Instead of the old text (talk to the alien, etc) the ASCII graphics are displayed. The animation has also been improved. On the downside, the game is not as accurate in terms of physics. You can walk through walls and bullets don't penetrate them. Any of the game modes are available. Menu system, Gameplay mode, Options, Credits, High Scores, Training, and Help. Gameplay mode is the default. Gameplay mode allows you to play multiple games with different difficulty levels. Options allows you to adjust the anim, fps, music, sound, view, menu speed, lag and more. The High Scores consists of overall, single player and multiplayer high scores. Training mode allows you to practice the maneuvers that you can do in gameplay mode and allows you to replay a stage for practice.
The game was removed from Mac Apple II, Mac OS 8, and Mac OS 9 lines and released by Freeware Files on April 3, 2000. The application was available for download from the Apple II Emulation and Computer Classics section of the site. Version 1.0 was released on April 3, 2000, and was accompanied by Free Rogue malware that infected the users' hard drive with a virus, unless the player selected \"help\" (or the Game menu and selected \"quit\"). The program was also accompanied by Freeware Files Extras, which contained portraits of various female aliens and a Nukem 64 message on the last page. 7211a4ac4a