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When you start the Inbox Repair Tool (scanpst.exe), the first thing it prompts you for is the location of the pst-file to scan. This path is revealed in the startup error or otherwise the default locations are as follows;
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ScanPST (scanpst.exe) is the Outlook Inbox Repair Tool designed to verify Outlook PST files for integrity errors. Earlier Outlook versions let you access ScanPST easily through the Outlook / Office Diagnostics feature, but Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 make it harder for you to manually run the Inbox Repair Tool (scanpst.exe). This article shows the location of scanpst.exe on Outlook 2010 & 2013.
- You can go to your ScanPST location using any of the paths above.- Double click the scanpst.exe and this will open a new window. - Herein, you can select your Outlook Data file. It will show the list of errors if there are any.- Further, click Repair. It will repair the issues in your PST file.- Now, reopen your MS Outlook and see if the issue is resolved.
If scanpst.exe fails to fix your MS Outlook OST file, your only alternative is to use third-party software OST File Recovery. Using this tool, you will be able to not only repair your faulty OST files but also immediately convert them to PST.
Step 07: Navigate to the Microsoft Office installation folder in File Explorer to find the Inbox Repair tool (scanpst.exe). Usual path locations of MS office can be one of the following: 2b1af7f3a8