Tabarani Hadith Book In Urdu Pdf 218 ((LINK))
Muslim narrates it in his Sahih, book of Salat al-musafirin. Imam Ahmad in his Musnad also narrates it with a strong chain, but with the reverse order of the first narration cited above, resulting in the wording: \"... and make me light,\" or he said: \"Make light for me.\" Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari (1989 ed. 11:142) mentions a narration in Ibn Abi ʿAsim's Kitab al-duʿa which states: \"And grant me light upon light\" (wa hab li nuran ʿala nur). There are many sound narrations of this hadith mentioning other parts of the Prophet's person. Ibn Hajar states that Abu Bakr ibn al-ʿArabi numbered the items for which the Prophet supplicated for light in himself at twenty-five in the totality of the sound narrations of that hadith. Among them are:
Bakri (Sayyid Abu al-Hasan Ahmad ibn ʿAbd Allah, d. 3rd c.) in his book al-Anwar fi mawlid al-nabi Muhammad ʿalayhi al-salat wa al-salam (p. 5 of the Najaf edition) cites the following hadith from ʿAli: \"Allah was and there was nothing with Him, and the first thing which He created was the light of His Beloved, before He created water, or the Throne, or the Footstool, or the Tablet, or the Pen, or Paradise, or the Fire, or the Veils and the Clouds, or Adam and Eve, by four thousand years.\"
Ghumari (ʿAbd Allah) in his Irshad al-talib al-najib ila ma fi al-mawlid al-nabawi min al-akadhib (p. 9-12 of the Dar al-furqan edition), commenting on Suyuti's words (quoted below) whereby the hadith has no reliable chain: \"This shows great laxity on the part of Suyuti, which I thought him to be above. First, the hadith is not present in ʿAbd al-Razzaq's Musannaf, nor in any of the books of hadith. Secondly : the hadith has no chain of transmission to begin with. Thirdly: he has not mentioned the rest of the hadith. It is mentioned in Diyarbakri's Tarikh, and anyone who reads it will be convinced that the hadith is a lie about the Messenger of Allah.\" This exaggerated conclusion is disproved by the fact that Diyarbarkri himself does not consider it a lie since he cites the hadith in the first words of his book.
Maliki al-Hasani (Muhammad ibn ʿAlawi) in his commentary on ʿAli al-Qari's book of the Mawlid entitled Hashiyat al-Mawrid al-rawi fi al-mawlid al-nabawi (p. 40) said: \"The chain of Jabir is sound without contest, but the scholars have differed concerning the text of the hadith due to its peculiarity. Bayhaqi also narrated the hadith with some differences.\" Then he quoted several narrations establishing the light of the Prophet.
Zahir (Ihsan Ilahi), a leader of the Wahhabi-influenced Deobandi school and declared enemy of the Barelwi school of Ahl al-Sunna in Lahore, India, in his book Hadiyyat al-mahdi (p. 56 of the Sialkut edition) says: \"Allah began His creation with the Muhammadan light (al-nur al-muhammadi), then He created the Throne over the water, then He created the wind, then He created the Nun and the Pen and the Tablet, then He created the Intellect. The Muhammadan Light is therefore a primary substance for the creation of the heavens and the earth and what is in them... As for what has come to us in the hadith: The first thing which Allah created is the Pen; and: The first thing which Allah created is the Intellect: what is meant by it is a relative primacy.\"
In it, the Hafidh has presented over two hundred ahadith and athar regarding the Mahdi. In general, he has arranged them in order of their authenticity. He concludes the book with a section in which he deals with a number of disputed narrations.
An important book written by the Great Imam of the Tafsir, the Muhaddith, Ibn Jarir at-Tabari, who reports all his Tarikh according to the way of companions or Tabi'ns. The methodology he uses for his book is mainly that of the hadith specialist because he almost always quotes the transmission chains that go back to him. 153554b96e