Tutorials In Introductory Physics Homework Solutions Capacitance
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Search for tutorials and apps relevant to your area of expertise via the Quick Search feature. To download the MPH-files, log in or create a COMSOL Access account that is associated with a valid COMSOL license. Note that many of the examples featured here can also be accessed via the Application Libraries that are built into the COMSOL Multiphysics software and available from the File menu.
Heat and temperature section is another topic of physics tutorials. In this unit, you can find definitions of heat and temperature concepts, heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation. Moreover, there are some calculations with heat transfer and change of phase. Phase transition of water, thermal expansion and contraction are another subjects discussed in this section.
Magnetism is another topic discussed in physics tutorials. You can find magnetic field, magnetic flux and permeability, magnetic field of earth, magnetic effect of current magnetic field around a circular wire and solenoid, force acting on moving particle and current carrying wire and transformers subjects in this site.
A wave is the last topic of physics tutorials. It includes subjects; properties of waves, direction of wave propagation, interference of spring waves, reflection of spring waves, water waves and refraction of waves.
The following files should be saved in the subdirectory Data analysisand constitute a minicourse in data analysis using Mathematica. TheMathLite notebook provides a very brief introduction to some of thefeatures needed to use Mathematica in an introductory physics laboratorythat can be covered in one lab period of about 3 hours. The DataAnalysisnotebook presents methods of linear and nonlinear least-squares and developssome simple programs that should be useful for such a course. Improved versions of these programs are supplied in the package Curfit.
This is a small collection of solutions to assorted physics problems that illustrate a variety of numerical methods implemented within Mathematica. A few more are under development but are not ready for posting.
This book arose from a course that I teach at theUniversity of Maryland. Although I am a professor of physics, the course isintended for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in any fieldof science, engineering, or mathematics. Thus, although many of the examples arenaturally from physics, many examples are also drawn from mathematics (iteratedfunctions and fractals), biology (population dynamics), and chemistry (chemicaloscillators). The prerequisites are calculus and introductory physics.
The notebook on dimensional analysis, orparts of it, should be assigned as homework soon after completion of gettingstarted. Within functions is a problem on Julia sets thatis easy and fun; I assigned it between two classes and then presented julia.nbas an example of modular programming after the students turned in theirsolutions. Depending upon the pace of the class, plotting caneither be covered in class or parts of it assigned as homework; I used thediffraction problem as a homework assignment that reinforced techniques ofmodular programming as well as covering plotting features. I chose to omit liststo permit more time for differential equations. I also used frequencyanalysis to shed additional insight upon limit cycles (van der Poloscillator) and the logistic map. A miniproject based upon Kochwas also a lot of fun.
Detailed solutions to all of the exercises in gettingstarted and functions and to many of the exercises inother notebooks are available to qualified instructors upon request. Thesesolutions have not been made public so that instructors can assign homeworkwithout the solutions being in general circulation. 153554b96e